
How to prepare for your Energy Enhancement System Session

Dress comfortable for your EESession

Dress in comfortable layers

Wear comfortable clothing & bring a sweater. Your body may cool down as it relaxes.

Hydrate Before your EES

Before your EESession, it's highly recommended to drink plenty of water to ensure optimal hydration.


Scalar Wave Technology, Cell Regeneration, Boost Immune Function, Pain Management Solutions, Mind-Body Healing, Cold Spring Minnesota Wellness Innovations, Holistic Healing Center in Cold Spring

Store your phone away

Time to disconnect!

  • Before your EESession, it's highly recommended to drink plenty of water to ensure optimal hydration. Proper hydration helps facilitate the energy flow throughout your body, making it easier to let go of stress and tension during the session.

    It’s crucial to neither eat a massive meal nor be hungry. Digestion is regulated by our rest and repair part of the nervous system. Eating a light but filling meal before the session will enable you to enjoy the benefits of the session more effectively

    Ensure that you arrive with a receptive mind and an open heart. Take this time to disconnect, relax, and support your natural body healing abilities. By doing so, you may experience stronger energy enhancement effects.

    Lastly, leave your cell phone in the car or at our front desk.

    • All EESystem sessions are by appointment only.

    • Appointments can be made online on our website or by calling or texting our center.

    • All overnight appointments can only be made by calling our center.

    • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled session to ensure smooth check-in and to allow time for questions.

    • Please either leave your phones in your car, or if you must have it with you, set it to silent before entering the EESystem.

    • Out of respect for others we ask that there be soft voices in the lobby of the center and no talking once inside the EESystem.

    • No food is allowed in the EESystem.

    • Step out of the EESystem if you need to make a phone call, or have questions.

    • THE EESYSTEM SCREENS AND RACKS CAN NOT BE TOUCHED!! Any physical contact with them can cause misalignment of the system.


During your Energy Enhancement Session


Scalar Wave Technology, Cell Regeneration, Boost Immune Function, Pain Management Solutions, Mind-Body Healing, Cold Spring Minnesota Wellness Innovations, Holistic Healing Center in Cold Spring

Once you've booked your time and completed check-in, settle into a comfortable recliner or bed, close your eyes, and embrace a state of deep relaxation.

Get checked-in

Scalar Wave Technology, Cell Regeneration, Boost Immune Function, Pain Management Solutions, Mind-Body Healing, Cold Spring Minnesota Wellness Innovations, Holistic Healing Center in Cold Spring

Get Comfortable

To make sure your experience is as comfortable as possible, we offer a range of amenities, including ear plugs, eye masks, blankets, linens, pillows, and water.

Scalar Wave Technology, Cell Regeneration, Boost Immune Function, Pain Management Solutions, Mind-Body Healing, Cold Spring Minnesota Wellness Innovations, Holistic Healing Center in Cold Spring


During your EESession, you can expect to experience a gentle energy field, which can help to stimulate your body's natural healing processes. Many report feeling very relaxed sleepy, or even a mild tingly feeling. Gentle soundscapes will be played in the background.

  • Experience the ease of our sessions. Once you've booked your time and completed check-in, settle into a comfortable recliner or bed, close your eyes, recline, and embrace a state of deep relaxation.

    To make sure your experience is as comfortable as possible, we offer a range of amenities, including earplugs, eye masks, blankets, linens, pillows, and water. Our goal is to create a peaceful and serene atmosphere where you can fully relax and support your body's natural healing ability.

    During your session, you can expect to experience a gentle energy field, which can help to stimulate your body's natural healing processes. Many report feeling very relaxed sleepy, or even a mild tingly feeling. Gentle soundscapes will be played in the background.

    Our sessions are safe, non-invasive, and conducted in a controlled environment to ensure your comfort and safety.



After your Energy Enhancement Session

Energy Frequency Nutrition Holistic Wellness Clinics Revive and Rejuvenate Methods Self-Healing Tools and Techniques Mind, Body, and Spirit Alignment Peak Performance Coaching Holistic Health Webinars

After a session, various outcomes can be observed. Some individuals experience a complete renewal, feeling rested and ready to conquer what lies ahead. Others may feel depleted or unwell as their body eliminates toxins, which requires energy.

Listen to your body

Energy Frequency Nutrition Holistic Wellness Clinics Revive and Rejuvenate Methods Self-Healing Tools and Techniques Mind, Body, and Spirit Alignment Peak Performance Coaching Holistic Health Webinars

We recommend taking a detox bath after each session, which you can conveniently purchase in our lobby. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and attentively listening to your body's needs is crucial.

Take a detox bath

Energy Frequency Nutrition Holistic Wellness Clinics Revive and Rejuvenate Methods Self-Healing Tools and Techniques Mind, Body, and Spirit Alignment Peak Performance Coaching Holistic Health Webinars

Book your next session

It's not uncommon for some clients to find relief after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions or overnight stays. Keep in mind that each person's body is unique and their results may vary accordingly.

  • After a session, various outcomes can be observed. Some individuals experience a complete renewal, feeling rested and ready to conquer what lies ahead. Others may feel depleted or unwell as their body eliminates toxins, which requires energy. Certain individuals may feel euphoric or lighter, while others may temporarily feel a worsening of the ailments that led them to the session in the first place. It's not uncommon for some clients to find relief after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions or overnight stays. Keep in mind that each person's body is unique and their results may vary accordingly.

    For optimal results, we highly recommend indulging in a detox bath after each session, which you can conveniently purchase in our lobby. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and attentively listening to your body's needs is crucial. If rest is needed, make sure to rest. If hunger arises, satisfy that hunger. Pay close attention to what your body requires and make the necessary adjustments.


How does the EESystem work?

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) is a revolutionary technology that works by emitting life-enhancing fields that nullify destructive frequencies, such as unhealthy EMFs and toxins in the environment. Through precise alignment of screens, the EESystem generates a quantum photonic field that emits countless frequencies, including scalar frequencies, light (biophotonic), DNA patterns, and cellular communication algorithms.

When we enter this "supercharged" field, our cells begin to charge and move towards the healthy range, which is measured at 70-90 millivolts. This is a crucial aspect as cancer cells measure in the low 15-20 millivolt range. The effects of the EESystem are cumulative, and the more exposure we have, the more our body can move towards optimal frequencies of healing.

How many hours should I spend in the EESystem?

When it comes to spending time in the EESystem, we highly recommend booking sessions for 2+ hours on the hour. Although 2 hours is a great opportunity to enter a relaxed theta state, multiple sessions are necessary to truly reap the fully optimized healing effects our system provides. As Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the founder of our technology, has stated, "More is mo-better!" - there is no such thing as spending too much time in an EMF-free zone and the benefits of Scalar Energy are cumulative.

Since every individual is unique, every EESystem session is also unique in its impact. Some of our clients can feel the Scalar Waves' effects immediately, while others may require several sessions to achieve optimal results. If you're dealing with a chronic situation, we strongly suggest reaching out to us to discuss a more comprehensive program to help you achieve your goals.

It's essential to note that the frequency of treatment ultimately depends on your objectives and how Scalar Energy interacts with your body. As the effects of the energy are cumulative, the more you come to the EESystem, the better you're likely to feel relative to your lifestyle. While it is difficult to quantify the impact of this technology, the long-lasting benefits keep building, making it a worthy investment in your overall health and well-being.

How can I expect to feel during a session?

People have commented that they are surprised how their brain shuts off and clears and how deeply relaxed they feel within minutes.

Some individuals report feeling a subtle tingly sensation immediately upon entering the room.

Afterward, many people report immediately feeling energized, improved sleep and simply feeling “good” and ready to conquer their week.

Will I feel any detox symptoms?

As with any form of detoxification, it is possible to experience symptoms as stored toxins are released from the body. However, the benefits of sitting in the scalar energy of the EESystem far outweigh any temporary discomfort that may arise.

It is important to understand that each individual's experience will vary based on their unique physical and emotional state. Some may feel an immediate sense of relief and rejuvenation, while others may experience a "healing crisis" where uncomfortable symptoms temporarily resurface.

It is important to remember that this is a natural part of the detoxification process as the body works to release and eliminate stored toxins. As unsettling as it may be, it is a signal that the body is healing and moving towards a regenerated state.

Furthermore, the cumulative effects of sitting in the EESystem result in a deep level of relaxation and a more profound impact on overall health. As toxins are released and the body becomes more balanced, clients have reported reductions in pain, increased energy, and improved sleep.

So, while it is possible to experience detox symptoms, the benefits of sitting in the EESystem far outweigh any temporary discomfort. The EESystem provides a transformative experience that supports the body's natural healing process and facilitates a deeper sense of relaxation and well-being.