Meet the Energy Enhancement System (EES)

We merge the power of nature with state-of-the-art scientific breakthroughs. Our mission is to guide you toward optimum health.

The Energy Enhancement System is an innovative technology developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael over the past 20 years. This state-of-the-art system generates an array of powerful bio-active energy fields, which have been proven to improve overall health and wellness. These energy fields, including unique "scalar waves," promote cell regeneration, detoxify the body, alleviate pain, boost immune function, balance the hemispheres of the brain, and improve mood.

* Bioactive Energy Fields - Cutting-edge science meets holistic principles * Detoxification Technology - Revitalize with advanced natural processes * Scalar Wave Therap

Get to the root cause.

When it comes to our health and wellness, many traditional Western approaches simply treat the symptoms of an issue rather than getting to the root cause. This can ultimately lead to unresolved health problems and ongoing discomfort. The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) takes a different approach by equipping your body with the tools it needs to heal itself directly from the source of the cause. By promoting optimal cell regeneration, immune response, and neurotransmitter functions, bio scalar energy effectively neutralizes harmful frequencies and optimizes cellular energy levels. This results in long-lasting, holistic healing that addresses the root cause of your health concerns.

Natural Scalar Wave Therapy Cellular Balancing Strategies Chronic Pain Relief Alternatives Autoimmune Rejuvenation Techniques

True holistic healing is not about relying on external sources to fix our problems, but rather empowering our bodies to activate its innate ability to heal itself. This is what the EESystem is all about. The EES is not a medical device, but rather a revolutionary technology that harnesses the power of scalar waves and optimal frequencies to give your body the tools it needs to heal itself. By neutralizing harmful frequencies, stimulating cell regeneration, improving immune function, and optimizing energy levels, the EESystem promotes true holistic wellness. By harnessing the power of nature's scalar waves, the EESystem promotes true holistic wellness at a cellular level, helping you achieve peak performance and reaching higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.

True holistic healing.

Scalar Wave Technology, Cell Regeneration, Boost Immune Function, Pain Management Solutions, Mind-Body Healing, Cold Spring Minnesota Wellness Innovations, Holistic Healing Center in Cold Spring

Revive. Repair. Regenerate.

The EES utilizes the amazing power of scalar waves, which can stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, and assist in rejuvenation, detoxification, and oxygenation. The EESystem has been shown to improve the body's ability to regenerate damaged or diseased cells, providing accelerated healing and rejuvenation.


  • The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

    This stunning technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.

    The EESystem has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.

    The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.

  • Scalar Fields have always existed.

    You may not have heard of Scalar fields, but they are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics.

    A Scalar field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. Scalar fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.

    The human body has crystalline structures in every cell wall that are capable of holding a charge. When the human body enters a Scalar field the electro magnetic field of the individual becomes excited. EESystem uses Scalar technology to return the body to a more original and appropriate electrical matrix.

    The EESystem has been clinically studied by multiple 3rd party individuals. These studies have provided evidence of the potential of bio scalar energy to boost human cell regeneration, immune functions, and neurotransmitter functions. It can help eliminate and nullify effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimizing cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts.

    This means that EESystem can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being.

  • Feelings of Calmness, Peace, Relaxation

    Increased Self-Healing & Rejuvenation

    Sense of Increased Energy

    Relief from Depression

    More Emotionally Clear & Free

    Rapid Post Surgical Self-Healing

    Being more Present

    Better Response to Stressors


    Peak Performance

    Better Mental Health

    Relief from Severe Pain

    Improved Blood Profiles

    Mental Flexibility/Clarity

    Improved Spontaneity

    Improved Self-Acceptance

    Sense of Self-Awareness

  • The EESystem works by enhancing the energy in your cells, which in turn improves your physical and mental health. Through advanced technology, the system activates the photons in your DNA, increasing both the millivoltage of your DNA and the cell membrane potential. This revitalizes your body's natural ability to heal itself when given the right energy levels and frequency.

    Our bodies are designed to function optimally, but our modern lifestyle exposes us to a toxic environment full of chemicals, radiation and other forms of stress. The EESystem solves this issue by generating multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including "scalar waves" and bio-photonic energy that energizes your cells and helps you achieve peak performance.

    This technology allows for cell regeneration, improved immune function, relief from pain, detoxification, balanced moods and increased energy levels by restoring energetic coherence. Moreover, it promotes the balance between the right and left hemispheres of your brain to boost energy levels further. The system operates by precisely aligned monitors on the 24-unit EESystem to produce a Quantum Bio-Photonic Field through the process of Cold Fusion.

    It is important to note that EESystem does not heal you, but instead allows your body to re-energize, rebalance and revitalize itself. With this system, you can unleash your body's natural healing power and feel your very best.

Scalar Waves

  • Scalar waves are present in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. These fifth-dimensional non-linear waves are not limited by third-dimensional laws of nature. They self-generate and self-refer, are unbounded, and can penetrate solid matter. These facts demonstrate the potential of scalar waves in various fields and their ability to overcome limitations. Let's explore the benefits of utilizing scalar waves in research and practical applications.

  • The human body gets stimulated in a scalar wave field which helps to improve the mind/body complex. While the average cellular energy for optimal health potential lies between 70-90 millivolts, aging and dis-ease occur when the level goes down below. The scalar waves move through the crystalline cell structures within each cell and increase their charging capacity. This prompts cellular regeneration and hence, maintaining the optimum energy range of the cells in the human body.

  • Research indicates that bio scalar energy has the ability to enhance cell regeneration, immune response, and neurotransmitter functions. It can neutralize harmful frequencies and optimize cellular energy levels to a range of 70-90 millivolts. This potential makes bio scalar energy a promising tool for maintaining optimal health and wellness.

  • Scalar waves have remarkable healing properties. They've been known to improve immune function, circulation and reduce inflammation. They also facilitate cell regeneration, detoxify the body, elevate moods and assist in balancing the right and left brain hemispheres. Scalar waves give the body the necessary tools and energy to heal itself and achieve optimal sleep and meditation states. These amazing benefits make scalar waves an essential part of any wellness routine.


  • Biophotons act as a recharge for the body, similar to recharging a cell phone, powering it up for proper functioning and self-healing.

    Photons, the quantum units of light, play a crucial role as our bodies are essentially made of light.

  • The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) offers a form of ultimate light therapy by colliding photons, activating the light at the core of our DNA.

    Our DNA functions as a biophotonic system, primarily storing photons, making it a crucial aspect of our well-being.

  • Photon collision in an EESystem triggers the activation of light within us, enhancing cell membrane potential by elevating millivoltage within cells.

    Healthy cells typically operate at 70 to 90 millivolts, and aging or disease onset is associated with energy levels falling below this range.

  • Disease, including cancer, is linked to a disruption or break in the light at the core of our DNA, illustrating the importance of maintaining proper cellular energy levels.

    Healing occurs when the photons within our DNA are repaired, highlighting the vital role of biophotons in maintaining health and preventing disease.





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